Thursday, June 27, 2013

Disks or Print Orders? Let me know ur thoughts...

This is something I have debated with myself over and over. Of course for events and birthday parties CDs are the way to go. For portrait sessions and weddings and seniors I have also given pics on CDs, because I think the majority wants that. But part of me would rather offer prints and print products and present proofs on CDs. That way I know my work is being printed by a good lab. Especially the bigger sessions. Maybe offer an edited cd at an additional charge in addition to the session fee... Something to think about..let me know your thoughts. Ready to shoot birthday party saturday and engagement session Sunday!
Wanted to share a pic of two ladies representing Stuttgart and the Grand Prairie Miss Allison Stone and Halle Erwin in the Miss Arkansas Pageant. Good luck girls, we are very proud of both of you!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Let's try this again-Third times a charm right?

Wow! I didnt realize blogging would be that hard a thing to fit in..but it is! Now that school is out, Im almost caught up on my whirlwind April and May, Im ready to settle into this blog thing. My main reason for wanting a blog is to add a more personal touch to my photography. Yes, I post sneak peeks on facebook for clients, but alot of times that feels so impersonal. I thought if I write something about each session, it will let that client know they were special..not just an hour or two out of my time :) Sometimes we get caught up in the shoot and in a hurry to get it done, it feels like on autopilot and thats not what it is. Each client is special and I appreciate each and every one of you. This is a shot from a shoot with my youngest Sydney. Sometimes when I get an idea and need an immediate subject to make it happen, she's my go to girl ;)
SO after each shoot I will post a pic or two from the session or event in addition to the facebook page!